Published 2021-09-29
- уявний простір і час, уявний предмет, уявна істота, уявний світ
- imaginary space and time, imaginary subject, imaginary creature, imaginary world
A textual world is a cognitive complex, which combines two elements: a text base, a textual material; a cognitive base – knowledgeand ideas of the communiсators. A textual world is divided into a great deal of various imaginary worlds: the author’s worldand the personages, which in its turn is subdivided into the world of ideas, the world of desires, knowledge and the world of obligations.By the way, a textual world can be real and unreal or imaginary (M. -L. Rayyan), deictic, attitudinal and epistemic (P. Vert).
The purpose of this article is to single out means of formation of an imaginary world in fantasy texts by J. R. R. Tolkien.
In this article such methods were used: descriptive, interpretative and textual analysis, component analysis.
Results. Literary world is concretized primarily in connection with its subject and the form of its implementation. The imaginaryworld in fantasy texts is modeled on certain principles: the use of archetypal plots and images, the opposition of good and evil,organization of the plot in the form of a quest, the use of mythological creatures, imaginary time and space, magical objects – artifacts.Imaginary world in J. R. R. Tolkien’s texts is built on the basic ideas of English-speaking community about unreality and fantasyof the author. Indicators of the imaginary are divided into 4 thematic groups (imaginary creature, imaginary subject, imaginary spaceand imaginary time). An imaginary creature as a result of author’s fantasy is represented as supernatural being, real for fantasy worldhuman or animal like hybrid with nature wishes, certain intellectual abilities and physical disabilities.
The imaginary subject is depictedas a unique artifact, which is actualized in jewelry, weapons and various things with supernatural properties. The imaginary space and time are based on the real one, keeping all typologies (natural, artificial environment, linen, metric,circular time). But it differs in logical incompatibility with the facts of reality and the presence of fictional representatives of floraand fauna, which gives to imaginary space and time uniqueness, anomalies and unusualness.
Conclusions. Descriptive, interpretative and textual analysis helps to single out a thematic dominant, which forms informativevalue of lexical and semantic field “Imaginary”. Arch lexeme imaginary expresses the whole meaning of the notion “imaginary”.
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