Published 2021-09-21
- emotional coloring, stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms, pragmatic potential, satirical and funny works, function
- емоційне забарвлення, літературно-художні антропоніми, прагматичний потенціал, сатирично-гуморис- тичні твори, функціональне навантаження
Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the functions of stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms in the satirical and funny works written by M. Bilokopytov (on the material of the collection “And Eternal Time passes slowly…”).
Methods. The method of purposeful sampling (collection of actual material for analysis), descriptive (analysis of collected material), method of systematization and classification (division of anthroponyms into groups), statistical (detection of quantitative ratios of proper names in works), and contextual analysis were used to establish functional specificity of anthroponyms.
Results. The article examines the pragmatics of anthroponyms in the satirical and funny works written by M. Bilokopytov. We studied the author's peculiar way to use anthroponyms, their variability, frequency, and functions. Both satirical and funny proper names are classified according to their functions, so we were able to distinguish stylistically neutral anthroponyms from stylistically marked artistic ones. The stylistically neutral anthroponyms are represented by the following groups: proper names related to the depicted epoch; first and last names; first names and patronymics; fist name, patronymic and last name; proper names of famous real people. Among the stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms, we can distinguish evaluative-characteristic names and precedent proper ones. We admit that M. Bilokopytov selected quite skillfully anthroponyms in his satirical and funny works showing his sound individual and authorial ingenuity. It is worth paying attention to the proper names in the author’s scope, to be borrowed from the real anthroponymicon. Such anthroponyms refer to specific people around the writer, his personal acquaintances and friends.
Conclusions. Thus, the inexhaustible source of the comic in the satirical and funny works written by M. Bilokopytov are precisely the stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms. Most of the names of the characters are expressive and are used by the author as evaluative-characteristic names. They help to characterize the hero, point out his special features.
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