No. 87 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Arthur Tymofiiovych Malynovsky
Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Published 2021-09-29


  • ballad, gothic tradition, interiorization, historiography, xenophobia, stereotype, topos, transfer
  • баладність, готична традиція, історіописання, ксенофобія, стереотип, трансфер


The article deals with a romantic interpretation of national history in E. Hrebinka’s novel “Colonel Zolotarenko of Nizhyn”. The methodologyof the historical school “Annals” is applied, the coverage of the past from the standpoint of its experience by the subject of the story.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the text in the plane of postcolonial theory, to find out the role of the genre-creating factor and the Walter-Scottish tradition in the emergence of original historical writing on national soil. Investigate the constructive role of ethnostereotypes inthe internalization of history, the intellectual transfer of its images in the plane of internal behavior, emotional experience.

Methods is related to the substantiation of alternative reading of historical events in the context of cultural anthropology,ethnoimagology, transfer of other people’s models into one’s environment.

The results of the study illustrate the connection between the author’s concept of history and national memory, selection, archivingof past events in the emotional experience of the people, subjective interpretation and even mythologizing of facts, sources, figures. It isa new type of historicism that contributes to the modernity of historical writing and acquires an international character. The connectionwith ballad as a special genre, stylistic factor, which appears in the mediating function, emphasizes the European tradition of literary historiography. The mechanisms of transformation of the epic principle are analyzed, which obeys the image of private, everyday life,reproduces more or less chamber situations.

Special attention is paid to ethnostereotypes, conditions and factors of their formation under the influence of the historicalsituation, political situation, psychologization of ideas about the Other. Emphasis is placed on the close connection between stereotypesand the so-called post-historical situation, national memory.

Conclusions. The poetics of history appears as a set of paths capable of reproducing the past in its subjective emotional refraction,in individual interpretation and the controversial concept of the historical process.


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