Published 2021-07-01
- phraseological unit/phraseme, idiom, metaphor, metaphorization, structural-semantic analysis, inner form
- фразеологічна одиниця/фразема, ідіома, метафора, метафоричне переосмислення, структурно- семантичний аналіз, внутрішня форма
Purpose. The main purpose of this paper is to interpret and differentiate the types of metaphorization mechanisms in Ukrainian, German and English phraseological units, which characterize positive intellectual abilities of a person, as well as to identify their common and distinctive features since one of the main characteristics of phraseological systems of different languages is the unity of general and special. Based on this goal and the general task of anthropocentric phraseology – the study of the ratio of linguistic and extralinguistic meanings, the existing definitions of phraseological units in languages are investigated, and the phraseological meaning is considered as an object of linguistic research. Phrasemes, or phraseological units, are studied in different directions. The study of them as units reflecting the human factor in any language remains relevant in recent decades. Metaphor is also in the focus of modern linguistics because of its relationship between linguistic phenomena and perception, memory and thinking, acquisition and application of human knowledge and experience.
Methods. Since phraseological units are also studied in linguistic and linguocultural aspects, a complex research methodology is used here. According to the set goal and specific tasks, such basic methods as descriptive, comparative, component analysis were used.
Results. The research findings are as follows: the author suggests a general classification of the mechanisms of metaphorization in phraseological units taking into account the components of their inner form. The models of phraseological units are highlighted, which are based on different types of metaphorical rethinking. The proposed classification can be used to study the semantic features of phraseological units using the material of different languages, as well as for their further correct ideographic separation.
Conclusions. In the studied languages phrasemes with metaphorical rethinking form a rather large group. Many of them have a fairly transparent structure of meaning, the motivation of which is based on broad connotations known to almost any native speaker. The research objective includes identifying semantic similarities and differences between phraseological units of languages studied. The connection of phraseological units with the cultural code is preserved in the collective subconscious memory of native speakers. Phraseologisms, reflecting in their semantics the long process of people’s cultural development, fix and transmit cultural attitudes and archetypes, standards and stereotypes from generation to generation.
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