Published 2021-06-29
- terminological connection, terminological system, professional vocabulary, common vocabulary, term structure
- термінологічна сполука, терміносистема, професійна лексика, загальновживана лексика, структура терміна
Goal. The aim of the study is to identify structures typical for the speech realization of terminological compounds in the institutionally legal segment of judicial discourse. The article presents an analysis of terminological compounds of different quantitative structure.
Methods. To bring the need for terminological spoluks as more detailed and unambiguous forms of the term are supplemented by advanced methods: for the definition and description of the semantic structure of the previously described terminological spheres of the methodists; spiritual and visual signs of pre-visualized structures appeared for the additional statutory method; kіlkіsny method vikoristano for the value of the frequency of implantation of terminological spoluks in the texts of the institute and legal discourse.
Results. The result of the investigation was the classification of terminological compounds of institutionally legal discourse by syntactic and semantic indicators. In modern terminology, the problem of modification, loss of properties of the term as a result of convergence of terminology with common vocabulary is relevant. This convergence is especially noticeable in legal discourse, due to its proximity to everyday communication. For this reason, so-called illusion of understanding the text appears. This is especially noticeable in the use of terminological compounds, where part of them is common vocabulary.
Conclusions. Given the functional approach to the definition of the term, it can be stated that multicomponent terminological compounds meet all the requirements for the term, namely, are lexicalized phrases of special function, are included in all semiotic relations, and so on. They also perform a number of other functions that are uncharacteristic of one-word terminology. The functions of multicomponent terms are determined by the needs of institutionally legal discourse, and are related to the methods of word formation, each of which affects the coherence, connectivity and other characteristics of the text. The choice of terminology allows to provide absolutely comprehensive, detailed and accurate information.
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