No. 86 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Ivan Vasylovych Nemchenko
Kherson State University

Published 2021-06-29


  • motif, image, metaphor, symbol, poetry, music, painting
  • мотив, образ, метафора, символ, поезія, музика, живопис


Purpose. Many writers from various epochs and countries have been admirers and propagandists of marine literature. The article examines the marine motifs and images of the Ukrainian poet Dmуtro Shupta’s lyrics in the early 21st century. The purpose of the work is to analyze the marine space in his stanzas collection “Autumn facet”.

Methods. The elements of the following methods are used in the research: aesthetic (allows analyzing each text as a phenomenon of literature and art), hermeneutic (ensures free and open interpretation of texts with the possibility for new explanations), biographic (helps to describe autobiographic features in the writer’s literary works), intermedial (systematization of various elements of marine, musical and artistic presence in the lyrics of the poet), comparative (provides wide possibilities for the coverage of interdependence between poetry, music and painting micro-images), intertextual (links between writer’s poems and folklore songs and literary tradition), textual analysis (for coverage of the main motifs of stanzas collection). The research is based on the general method of analysis, synthesis, observation, selection and systematization of the material.

Results. The effect of a hero’s co-living with the environment depicted by the author, with the marine environment in particular, is characteristic of D. Shupta’s stanzas collection “Autumn facet”. The article finds out that the Ukrainian writer has delicate understanding of music and painting, and can embody it in his own marine texts, combining different artistic elements. He uses auditory, visual and tactile impressions. Marine motifs and images of the literary works of D. Shupta play an important role in the creation of the artistic image of the world by verbal means. Marine space in his interpretation is a symbol of the nature and the world of human passions and life difficulties, their creative sources and ruinous essence. Shupta’s marine works combine real and fairy plans, have characteristics of legends, tales and mysteries. Close relations between the writer’s marine poetry and Ukrainian folklore songs and literary traditions are traced in the article.

Conclusions. D. Shupta’s stanzas collection «Autumn facet» is an original artistic work on the crossing of literary, musical and descriptive imagery. The author presents different variants of stanzas, proposes many marine motifs, images, attributes, his own vision of the sea in its power and beauty. The collection confirms that the poet appertains to the best representatives of the national and the world marine literature.


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