Published 2021-06-29
- sacrum, eclecticism, postmodernism, tradition, symbolism
- sacrum, еклектика, постмодерн, традиція, символізм
The article presents an analysis of sacred syncretism as one of the leading motifs of the work of the modern Ukrainian writer Anna Bagryana. It is noted that the phenomenon of this transcendent phenomenon is interpreted by modern Ukrainian literature based on the aesthetic practices of postmodernism and traditionalism in culture.
It is emphasized that Ukrainian poetry of the XXI century, having absorbed these opposite trends, uses them, on the one hand, to formalize the linguistic and communicative shell of the poem, on the other, to reflect the exclusivity of the national character, creating a type of new worldview not on differences, but on syncretism, the interpenetration of various trends, in which the whole diversity of the world is revealed.
With the help of cultural, phenomenological, comparative-historical methods that study the philosophical perception of the sacred by the author, as well as using aesthetic, biographical approaches and psychoanalysis to understand the artistic world of her poems, the research has achieved its purpose: the eclectic nature of the sacred in the lyrics of Anna Bagryana is revealed.
The article notes that, following the main trends of postmodernism, including the loss of the highest meaning of human life, reflection, relativism and internal confusion, the manner of presentation of the writer is also characterized by specific features: a certain theocentricity, religiosity, the desire to preserve spiritual values. In the conflict of these polarities, a synergistic transformation of the sacred matures, its so-called illogical form, characterized by the sublimity of the supernatural and at the same time its ordinariness.
The results of the work are implemented tasks: the concept of the sacred in the poems of Anna Bagryana is clarified, its syncretism is revealed and the change in the aesthetics of the transcendent is reflected; the eclecticism of the feeling of the supernatural by the lyrical heroine is characterized; the protective function of the sacred in the artistic work of the poetess is analyzed.
Conclusions. The sacred, which is a common motif of Anna Bagryana’s poetry, is perceived by her in the context of a scientific approach. This understanding implies a distinction between the human and otherworldly worlds. The traditional aesthetics of the sacred is based on beauty as a means of sensory-spiritual worldview, which led to the replacement of the material worldview with a value one. Postmodern stylistics reproduces the syncretism of the sacred, adding to its interpretation the illogical nature of used images, the search for new meanings, and internal expression. Recognizing the specifics of Ukrainian literature, which in modern social theory does not break with the achievements of previous eras, the writer retains the human-centered and imaginative richness of her lyrics.
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