No. 86 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Tamara Mykhailivna Mandych
Kherson State University

Published 2021-06-29


  • vocabulary, media discourse, metaphor, sports commentary, stylistic device
  • лексика, медіадискурс, метафора, спортивний коментар, стилістичний засіб


Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of lexical and stylistic features of modern Ukrainian language sports media discourse. The study was performed taking into account certain principles of cognitive linguistics, according to which the concept BASKETBALL as a part of the conceptosphere SPORT can be interpreted as a target concept in the process of semantic shift and the formation of secondary nomination in sports comments.

Methods. The research uses a general scientific descriptive method and sampling method, as well as some techniques of conceptual analysis, methods of metaphorical modeling and lexical and stylistic analysis.

Results. According to the results of the study, live broadcasts with a total duration of about 14 hours were analyzed, accompanied by a Ukrainian-language or bilingual (with the participation of a Ukrainian-speaking commentator and a Russian-speaking specialist) commentary. A number of metaphorical verbalizers of the concept BASKETBALL have been recorded and characterized, which are divided into four types according to semantic differentiation – anthropomorphic, artefact, sociomorphic and natural-morphic. Within each of the types, the collected illustrative material is classified on the basis of a specific donor concept, which caused a semantic shift in associations or similarity, and divided into metaphorical models that reflect the specifics of the metaphorization mechanism, pointing to the correlated source-concept-goal pair. The semantic expediency of metaphorical verbalization of the concept BASKETBALL and stylistic functions performed in sports commentary are explained.

Conclusions. Metaphorical verbalization of the concept of BASKETBALL in Ukrainian-language sports media discourse is typical for textual support of broadcasts of other sports. Based on the separation of the common seven, which caused the metaphorical transfer, the models “basketball – man”, “basketball – artifact”, “basketball – rest”, “basketball – war”, “basketball – history”, “basketball – culture”, “basketball – crime”, “basketball – nature”, which form the basis of the figurative component of sports comments.


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