No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Intercultural communication


Tetiana Mykolayivna Kalinichenko
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Published 2021-04-12


  • annotation, frames, terms, explanatory and combinatorial lexicology, specialized language
  • анотування, фрейми, терміни, пояснювальна і комбінаторна лексикологія, спеціалізована мова


The purpose of the article is to establish the possibilities of functioning of the terminological Internet resource “The FundamentalDictionary of the Environment DiCoEnviro”, to examine its methods to carry out a comparative analysis with electronic resourcesFrameNet, Propbank, VerbNet to open a new perspective of the perception of the meaning of words in common and specializedlanguages in the framework of modern theoretical lexicographic paradigm.

Methods. The complex linguo-pragmatic descriptive method and the techniques of observation, comparison, generalizationand interpretation helped to characterize the work of the terminological Internet resource DiCoEnviro and electronic resourcesFrameNet, Propbank, VerbNet, to identify phenomena in them; the extraction of terminological units for the formation of the resultsmaterials is made by the method of continuous sampling.

Results. The article highlights the work of the terminological Internet resource DiCoEnviro in comparison with electronicresources FrameNet, Propbank, VerbNet, which offer mainly information about the common language. It is found that in DiCoEnvirothe participant is defined by the type, role, is expressed by syntactic group, each context contains a description of syntactic function.Annotation of contexts in DiCoEnviro is performed using the Oxigen XML editor, while users view annotations in HTML format whenvisiting the DiCoEnviro website.

Conclusions. The article presents the work of scientists in the field of lexicography, namely electronic dictionaries; it shows a studyof the terminological Internet resource DiCoEnviro and the principles of annotation of terms in it. The purpose of the DiCoEnviroproject is traced; previous works of FrameNet, Propbank, VerbNet are presented, which offer mainly information about common language, while DiCoEnviro includes vocabulary of specialized environmental language; examples of annotations from these projectsare given and analyzed. The method used in DiCoEnviro and based on explanatory and combinatorial lexicology and partly onthe theory of semantic frames is considered in details.


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