No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Svitlana Ivanivna Kovpik
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Published 2021-04-12


  • ментальний простір, перекладач, авторська стратегія, простір спільної зони
  • mental space, translator, author strategy, common area space


The purpose of the paper is to identify the peculiarities of literary translation of small genre works by the Polish writerof the 19th century B. Prus into Ukrainian. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following methods have beenused: the analysis of the translated text, the analytical review, the synthesis method.

Results. This paper reveals the attempts of exploring the literary translation as a kind of the lingual perspectiveof the translator mental structures, basically represented by the process of reconstructing one type of information intoanother. The difference between the linguistic and mental model of the original text and its literary translation primarilyis caused by the absence of “common areas” in the mental spaces of the author and the translator. It is extremely difficultfor the translator to preserve the mental originality of the text.The overlap areas of mental structures of the author and the translator should have as many similarities aspossible, since it makes the literary translation more successful. The translator’s knowledge of the customs, traditionsand culture of the original language text contributes to establishing a functional correspondence between the originaltext and its translation. Translation is an obvious presentation of inter-literary and intercultural relations, which is the basis for the developmentof multilingual communication. The similarity of the mental structures of the author and the translator allows optimizingintercultural multilingual communication.This paper determines the essence and content of the overlap areas of the mental spaces of the Polish writer B. Prusand the Ukrainian translator D. Andrukhiv in the literary translation of the short story “Antek”.

Conclusions. As a result of translating the work of fiction from one language into another, the semantic code of the textchanges due to interpenetration of cultural signs. Analyzing the quality of literary translation of the story of “Antek” bythe Polish writer B. Prus in Ukrainian proves some differences between the linguistic model of the original text and itsliterary translation into another language.


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