No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Oksana Andriivna Shkamarda
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Published 2021-04-12


  • position of the subject of discursive activity, stance, personality, subject of discursive activity, personal module of stancetaking
  • позиція суб’єкта дискурсивної діяльності, станс, особистість, суб’єкт дискурсивної діяльності, особис- тісний модуль позиціювання


Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the speech behaviour of the participants of interaction in the Internet blog and tosingle out different lexical and stylistic resources of the personal positioning module realization in the global network.

Methods. The material of the study is based on the written online messages taken from the personal blog “In Pursuit of Happiness”of the popular American writer and TED conference (a conference devoted to spreading ideas connected with technology, entertainment,and design) speaker Britt Reints. The presented article is grounded in the methodological principles of the communicative and userbasedapproaches to language and speech, which have been actively developing in linguistics in recent years. The applied methodsof discourse analysis, conversational analysis, linguistic, and stylistic analysis revealed personal aspects of subjective positioning inthe discourse of a personal Internet blog.

Results. The article summarizes the data of modern scientific research on the interpretation of the stancetaking phenomenon and definesthe stance concept. It has been established that stances are based on the personal characteristics of a discourse participant, his / her individual traits,beliefs, preferences, judgments and assessments of the events of the actual reality. Thus, the study proves that stance is a social phenomenon,which embraces two main interdependent and interrelated modules: personal and interactional. The first one (personal) manifests individualcharacteristics of the subjects of discursive activity, such as physical features, personal mindsets, cognition, specific needs and interests,spiritual and moral-volitional qualities; the second one (interactional) provides the coherent cooperation between the sender of the messageand its recipient, synchronizing their linguistic world view with the aim of the correct perception and interpretation of each other's stances.

Conclusions. The article traces stable correlations between the individual and personal characteristics of the speaker / authorof the written message and his / her positions in the discourse of the English Internet blog. Different lexical and stylistic resourcesactivating the personal module of stancetaking in the global network have been singled out on the basis of the analysis of the speechbehavior of the participants of communication in the blogosphere.


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