No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Olga Mykolaivna Mishukova
Zaporizhzhya National University

Published 2021-04-12


  • gastronomic discourse, glutonym, conceptosphere, concept, microconcept, linguoculture
  • гастрономічний дискурс, глютонім, концептосфера, концепт, мікроконцепт, лінгвокультура


Purpose. The purpose of the article is the study of lexical units with a gastronomic component – glutonyms which belong tothe conceptosphere “Alimentación” within the Spanish-speaking gastronomic picture of the world.

Methodology. The methods used during the study include the method of continuous sampling and the method of componentanalysis. They have been used to study the actual material, which is 2161 glutonyms, among which are the names of dishes and holidayswith gastronomic component, extracted from Spanish lexicographical sources and periodicals.

Results. The study allows us to talk about glutonyms as one of the most important fragments of the linguistic picture of the world.The presented glutonyms belong to the conceptosphere “Alimentación” that is divided into microconcepts, united on the basisof common semantic features. Therefore, it has been divided into 12 microconcepts. During the analysis and structuring it has beenfound that the largest number of glutonyms belongs to the microconcepts “products” – 717 glutonyms; “the process of preparationand consumption of food and drinks” – 635 glutonyms; category “dishes”, which also includes “sauces and snacks” – 288 glutonyms;category of items related to the process of preparation and consumption of food and drinks – 125 glutonyms; other microconcepts areless productive. Also, the statement that the conceptosphere “Alimentación” is open for exchange of vocabulary with other languageshas been confirmed: among the analyzed glutonyms there are borrowings from other languages, in particular, from Italian, Frenchand English, which represent the names of products, drinks, cooking methods, names of utensils, professions and special institutions.Of particular interest, there are lexical units that belong to glutonyms only when they fall into a certain context, they can have differentmeanings that should be taken into account during translation.

Conclusions. The results of the study once again emphasized that glutonyms, which belong to the lexical units of the householdsphere, therefore belong to the most mobile part of the lexical structure of the language, so all changes are reflected in them more clearlyand faster. The national cuisine is not a closed system, it is constantly evolving, reflecting the features and characteristics of the viewsinherent in this culture, as well as the transformations that take place in it. In turn, this is reflected in the language.


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