No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Olesia Ivanivna Yehorova
Sumy State University
Yuliia Vitaliivna Kozlova
Sumy State University

Published 2021-04-12


  • word-building, lexical innovation, pandemic vocabulary, discourse
  • словотворення, лексична інновація, пандемійний вокабуляр, дискурс


The article aims at analyzing the topical English pandemic (coronavirus) vocabulary from the perspective of system-functionalapproach. This envisages performing following tasks: 1) to identify the pandemic (coronavirus) lexical cluster, 2) to describe the wordbuildingpeculiarities of the English coronavirus vocabulary and 3) to interpret the functioning of this vocabulary within the political,every day, and Internet discourses.

Methods. The methodological framework used in the study features: 1) generalization for establishing basic theoretical principlesof the research; 2) structure-semantic analysis for studying the word-building specifics of the pandemic vocabulary; 3) statistical method for defining calculate the frequency and the productivity of certain word-building models within the pandemic lexical cluster;4) the elements of discourse analysis to highlight the functional peculiarities of coronavirus vocabulary.

Results. Coronacrisis, that we have experienced till the present, has become a crucial factor catalyzing nomination processesof the novel concepts, thus influencing the lexical system of the English language. We consider pandemic lexicon (coronavirusvocabulary) the novelist group of neologisms in the English language since it comprises innovative words and phrases which have beencoined since the start of COVID-19 pandemic and relate to its impact on the modern life. Among the most common for coronavirusvocabulary word-building models are derivation, compounding, shortening, loan and substitution; alongside, the statistical analysishas proved blending to be the most productive word-building model. The study of functional peculiarities of the pandemic lexiconwithin various types of discourses shows that its biggest part has entered the usus. The use of pandemic vocabulary within the Internetdiscourse is marked by the development of a number of thematic groups of language units referring to: 1) routine activities and events;2) changes in learn and work modes; 3) excess weight; 4) alcohol and 5) verbal aggressiveness.

Conclusions. The study enabled categorizing the units of the English pandemic (coronavirus) vocabulary as a separate lexicalcluster, which has predominantly developed with the help of the already existing language resources. The units of this innovative clusterperform nominative function by naming new concepts and realia of life, reflect social moods, for instance, the feelings of worry, fear,anguish, and hopelessness, or facilitate the humorous effect in communication. Prospects for future research lie within the expansionof discursive analysis of pandemic innovations for revealing functional of some neological units on different stages of the COVID-19pandemic, as well as conducting a comparative study of pandemic innovations in distant languages.


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