No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Yulliia Oleksiivna Haidenko
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Published 2021-04-12


  • declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, negative sentence, reevaluation, syntactic stylistic figures
  • заперечне речення, запитальне речення, переосмислення, розповідне речення, синтактико-стилістичні фігури


Purpose. The purpose of the current article is to describe syntactic stylistic figures based on the transposition of syntactic structures. The above-mentioned figures are classified, their percentage ratio and stylistic functions in the novels by Charlotte Bingham are outlined.

Methods. The current study uses a combination of general scientific (analysis-synthesis method, continuous sampling method, descriptive method, quantitative analysis) and linguistic methods. The definitional analysis is used to clarify linguistic terms and notions specified by the research topic. The word-formation analysis is used to single out word-formation patterns of the analysed language units. The stylistic analysis is used to research into syntactic stylistic figures based on the transposition of syntactic structures and study their stylistic colouring in certain communicative situations.

Results. The article presents a study of syntactic stylistic figures based on the transposition of syntactic structures in the novels by Charlotte Bingham. The term “transposition of syntactic structures” has been defined as transposition of the sentence model in the context that results in the unexpected turn in the logical meaning and additional connotations. Syntactic stylistic figures based on the transposition of syntactic structures have been classified into three groups: quasi-declarative, quasi-interrogative and quasi-negative sentences. It has been researched that in the novels by Charlotte Bingham transposition of syntactic structures is chiefly represented by quasi-affirmative sentences (48.8%). It has been revealed that quasi-declarative sentences are used in dialogues to mark colloquial speech. It has been ascertained that the transposition of interrogative sentences is less frequent (41.3%) and is mainly used to refer to the character’s self-talk. It has been substantiated that quasi-negative sentences are infrequent (9.9%) and are chiefly used to weaken the positive qualities of the denoted reality.

Conclusions. The novels by Charlotte Bingham contain all types of syntactic stylistic figures based on the transposition of syntactic structures. The above-mentioned figures are chiefly represented by the transposition of declarative (48.8%) and interrogative (41.3%) sentences. Quasi-negative sentences are infrequent (9.9%).


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