No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Inna Pylypivna Borkovska
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Yuliia Hennadiivna Karachun
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Published 2021-04-12


  • business letter, genre, modal verbs, confidentiality, directives
  • діловий лист, жанр, модальне дієслово, конфіденційність, розпорядження


Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify the main types of encouraging constructions in English letters of confidentiality.

Methods. Both general scientific methods and linguistic methods are used in the work. The research is methodologically based on analysis, descriptive method, continuous selection, definitional, semantic and syntactic analysis.

Results. A confidential letter as a text version of the sub-style of commercial correspondence within the official business functional style is interpreted as a regulated type of business letters, which has both specific and general features, due to the affiliation of genre groups to one functional style. It is characterized by certain language features; stability of stylistic devices of the genre, its form provides the communicative properties of the document, which are manifested in the composition and architectonics. The text of the confidential letter provides information about the reason for writing the letter, states the need to ensure the confidentiality of information related to the contract, regulates specific mechanisms of cooperation between partners in the use and disposal of classified information. Since the main purpose of such a letter is to force the recipient to perform certain actions, a confidential letter contains many constructions with a motivating value. Encouraging constructions in the texts of business letters are diverse in their semantics, among which the most frequent constructions express directives. The directive is implemented in the form of three types, which are classified by the degree of categoricalness: the actual directive (with the maximum degree of expression of categoricalness); directive-instruction (the degree of categoricalness decreases); directiverequest (categoricalness is minimal, but the directive remains). Typical language formulas are presented, which help to classify these types of speech.

Conclusions. Therefore, a confidential letter refers to regulated letters, the purpose of which is to establish the procedure for the use of confidential information. To do this, the addressee uses encouraging constructions, diverse in their semantics, among which constructions that express directives stand out.


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