No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Slavic languages and literature


Natalia Olehivna Shcherbii
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Published 2021-04-12


  • valence, transitivity / intransitivity, case government, semantics
  • валентність, перехідність / неперехідність, дієслівне керування, семантика


The purpose of the article is to perform the comparative analysis of case government (rekcja) of Polish and Ukrainian verbal nouns. The fulfilment of this purpose requires describing the status of verbal nouns in linguistics, clarifying the terminological apparatus, proving the verbal nature of these formations, comparing case government in Polish and Ukrainian, in particular, due to the existence of categories of transitivity and valence as well as establishing common and distinctive features.

Methods. The application of the comparative and typological method allows to compare the semantic and syntactic features of verbal nouns of two related languages. Methods of deduction and induction were used to systematize, describe and generalize the identified features and differences.

Results. Verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття possess a pronounced verbal nature, as evidenced by the preservation of the case government, namely: the form of the governed noun dependent on the verbal noun denotes the object to express certain syntactic relations like the one dependent on the verb. The case government of verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття is expressed by the categories of transitivity and valence. At the level of syntagmatics, the semantics of transitive / intransitive action of verbal nouns affects their compatibility and becomes a defining feature for distinguishing components of the semantic paradigm of a polysemous verbal noun. VNs generally have the same valence as the root verb (with or without a preposition), but there are a number of differences, particularly in prepositional government. In contrast to Ukrainian, a number of Polish verbs can be used with an object in the form of a verbal noun due to the fact that Poles perceive the world more ‘object-based’, and Ukrainians have an organic ability to see life in dynamics, movement and convey it using verbs.

Conclusions. Hybrid parts of language are a little-studied and relevant aspect in modern linguistic research, in particular in the context of structural and semantic differences against the background of Slavic languages. Verbal nouns are a clear example of hybridity as they combine categories typical for different classes of words, such as verbal grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, and transitivity / intransitivity as opposed to noun categories of gender and case.


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