No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Oleksandr Viktorovich Shaboldov
Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Published 2021-04-12


  • gender, gender stereotype, identity crisis, worldview, symbol, vision, archetype, statehood idea
  • ґендер, ґендерний стереотип, криза ідентичності, світогляд, символ, візія, архетип, ідея державності


Purpose. The task of this article is to analyze the manifestations of masculinity in A. Harasevych’s poems of of the interwar period by identifying various manifestations of masculinity in the works of the poet, studying their connection with ideological guidelines of A. Harasevych, analysis of the change and evolution of masculine images at different periods of the artist's creative path.

Methods. The research uses the following methods: descriptive, historical-biographical, comparative-historical (to compare different types of masculinity), archetypal and textual analysis (determination of the symbolic meaning of artistic images) and elements of masculine studies (study of masculinity as gender, compliance of its manifestations with gender stereotypes in society), stylistic, mythoanalysis, etc.

Results. During the research it was revealed that the first period of A. Garasevich's work was marked by the expressive influence of state-building ideas, which were characteristic for the whole «Prague school». The subject of most works of this period is militaryhistorical. Masculinity in them is manifested mainly in the form of hegemonic heroic masculinity, and its ideal carrier is the Warrior. At the second stage, religious motives played an important role in the poet's work. The poet is experiencing a worldview crisis, which is reflected in his works by the crisis of masculinity. Most often it is embodied in the images of a wanderer, a fugitive, whose features are fatigue, helplessness and illness. The last stage of the poet's poetic work is characterized by significant ideological influences of K. Hamsun and F. Nietzsche. There is a certain return to the heroic masculinity of the early works, but such masculinity is asserted not on the battlefield, but by victories over oneself, the element or a wild beast. This is the masculinity of a Nietzschean who hardens the superman in himself, feeling the joy of the process of overcoming. Thus, the concept of masculinity in the works of A. Harasevych has evolved from the romanticized heroic masculinity of the Warrior through the crisis of masculinity to the establishment of a new type of heroic masculinity in peacetime.

Conclusions. Studies of gender issues in the works of the representative of the younger generation of the Prague School A. Harasevych allow to form a more complete and holistic picture of this phenomenon and the Ukrainian national myth, an important aspect of which is gender.


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