No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Oksana Viacheslavivna Chornous
Kropyvnytskyi Institute of State and Municipal Governance

Published 2021-04-12


  • common names, proper names, boundaries between two classes of lexicon, specific characteristics of proper names, pronouns
  • загальні назви, власні назви, межа між двома класами лексики, специфічні ознаки онімів, займенник


Purpose. The task of the study is to define the boundary between common and proper names, and to systematize the main differential characteristics of the onyms.

Methods. The research is based on different scientific methods. A scientific literature review was used to demonstrate how statements about boundary between appellatives and propriatives are changing and developing over time. Observation, analysis as well as the descriptive and comparative methods were used for identifying distinctions between proper and common names. Comparative method was used for identifying common and distinct peculiarities of proper and common names. Generalization and abstraction techniques were used to establish broad patterns of distinction between common and proper names, as well as systematization of specific features of proper names. Significant differences and some similarities between pronouns and proper names were described.

Results. The article focuses on the debate in the scientific community about whether there is a clear distinction between common and proper names. Various positions of scientists on this issue have been identified and analysed. As a result, a number of arguments have been identified that are clearly or fairly contentious. The scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers on the specific of proper names have been studied and a list of them has been organized (27 characteristics). Differences in proper and common names are sought in functions, nature and linguistic characteristics, context, etymology and translation. It also highlights features that are recognized by some scholars because of their support or the negation of the theory of the non-existence of semantics in proper names.

Conclusions. The debate on the boundary between common and separate names, which dates back to ancient times, has not yet been definitively resolved. From the analysis of the different approaches, it appears more convincing that the proper and common names differ considerably in their characteristics, in their purpose, but they interact closely and complement each other. This is what onymization and apelativization processes demonstrate. It has been suggested that the list of specific characteristics of proper names can be augmented as a result of new research on the proper names.


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