No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Tetiana Vasylivna Hromko
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

Published 2021-04-12


  • dialectology, lexicography, monoidiom research, ideographic method, quantitative methods, qualitative analysis of vocabulary
  • діалектологія, лексикографія, моноговіркові дослідження, ідеографічний метод, квантитативний метод, квалітативний аналіз лексики


Purpose. The article considers methodological problems of mono-verbal ideographic dictionary as a separate lexicographic setof dialectal usus, built on the onomasiological principle, on the semantic relations of words from the concept to its lexical counterparts. Bytypology, ideographic and explanatory dictionaries are complementary, which determines the equipolent connection of the ideographicdictionary with the thesaurus of a separate language system. Methods. The monophonic ideographic dictionary proposed bythe author offers a methodology for developing an ideographic dictionary of speech on a purely linguistic basis, in the direction “fromthe core to the periphery”, because the lexical structure of the idiom, in contrast to the common language, is narrowly accessible forspeakers of the literary idiom and widely available for scientific interpretation of the lexicon of speech, and given the completenessof the presentation allows the use of quantitative methods. They ensure the objectivity of the obtained results and significantly reducethe time for their receipt and processing, which in the long run will provide objective results for further qualitative (qualitative)analysis – a monographic description of the language system of speech. Results. Monographic ideographic dictionary is a new typeof dictionary – linguistic dialectological ideographic dictionary of scientific and linguodidactical purpose. Methodologically, itsconclusion involves the stratification of vocabulary by functional, syntagmatic, paradigmatic and epidigmatic system parameters.Conclusions. Improving the method of parametric analysis for a one-word ideographic dictionary involves in the process of compilingthe author of the “Ideographic Dictionary of the dialect of Pishchany Brid village of Dobrovelychkivsky district of Kirovohrad region”conducting various typological studies: continuing to collect natural dialect material, representation of the place of this lexical unit in its structure, etc., as well as ideographic lexicographic parameterization for component analysis of dialectal vocabulary, which willextrapolate the spoken material, and in the future will serve to solve a number of theoretical and practical problems of linguistics,and research will enter the linguistic picture of the world and give objective scientific results.


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