No. 85 (2021): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Oksana Ihorivna Bilichak
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Published 2021-04-07


  • образ-домінанта, символічність, метафоричність, підтекст, поетична образність, стилістична досконалість
  • image, dominant, symbolism, metaphoricity, subtext, poetic imagery, stylistic perfection


Purpose. The aim of this article is to reveal the typological peculiarities of images dominants in E. Pluzhnyk’s poetry and studythe originality of his artistic world, his style, poetics, creative manner are described.

Methods. To achieve the goal, methods of systematization of the material, the method of observation, analysis, synthesisand descriptive method were used. The principles of the hermeneutic method are the basic approaches to characterize poetics of the artist.

Results. The main images dominants of his lyrics are the result of rethinking of past events, as well as philosophical reflectionof the inner literary “I”. The image of death is primarily perceived as a national catastrophe. It is noted that E. Pluzhnyk, as a poet,is sensual and at the same time mentally active, he contemplates the world around him and comprehends through his experience:the so-called rationalist view appears. The image of the earth belongs to the main images dominants in his poetry. The earth appears asa place where terrible bloody events take place, that’s why it becomes for the lyrical hero dead, full of bloody past. The earth appears inpoetry as a macro image of planetary area, which in a personified version becomes a reliable companion of the lyrical hero, understandhis true impulses and feelings, at the same time his impulses are the impulses of all inhabitants of the Earth. It is noted that the lyricalhero is sincere in his love for the earth, at the same time he glorifies it for the opportunity to live on it, to feel this world in all its forms.

Conclusions. It is concluded that polysemantics of the earth images indicates on the balanced approach of the writer to the formationof the main components of its poetic system. It is determined in the article, that the main images dominants are concentrated around the most common figurative layers, that condense the main philosophical moods of the artist: life – death, bottom – top, heart – mind.They make it possible to form an idea about the artist, with a deep rooted consciousness in philosophy. Addressing to images dominantsallows to deepen the reader in the subtext of his poetry, to understand the content from different aspects, as well as to form an ideaabout the poet.


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