Published 2020-12-23
- language, linguistic and mental features, Rus'-Ukraine, Russia, national revival, construction of national mythology
- мова, мовно-ментальні риси, Русь-Україна, Росія, національне відродження, конструювання національної мітології
Purpose. The purpose of the research is to find out the essence of verbalization of Ukrainian identity based on articlesof the international journal «Ab imperio». The aim is to consider the following tasks: to find out the inconsistency of certain publicationsof the weekly with historical facts, to declare the appearance of Ukrainian printed monuments as a phenomenon of national identityand to show the need to publicize knowledge about the Ukrainian heritage of the Hetman and Cossack era.
Methods. The article uses: a) the method of contextual analysis, which reproduces the information on the Ukrainian issue onthe basis of the analyzed journal; b) a contrasting method, as there are two mutually incompatible views, one of which reproducesthe Ukrainian vision of the problem, the other – the Russian, which is covered by the journal's publications; c) interdisciplinary method,as the analysis of linguistic aspects includes data from history, ethnology, literature, which allows a comprehensive considerationof the research material.
Results. The study makes it possible to understand that the Russian-centric position on the national Ukrainian identity distortsthe essence of the Ukrainian mentality. It is proved that: 1) external factors, in particular, Ukrainian clothes, patriot's house, predominanceof national dishes, characteristic mustaches and stories about people's life were only an additional element for the formation of nationalidentity, not the main factor determining the formation of the Ukrainian nation; 2) It is logically reasoned that the designed communicativecode of Ukrainians (Russian position) does not exist. It is proved that the Ukrainian language was not constructed lately. Numerouswritten memoirs in particular the chronicle «The Tale of Bygone Years» testify that it had existed since ancient times; 3) It is explainedthat the literary and written tradition of Rus’is not a Russian tradition, but a Rus' one (ie, Ukrainian); 4) The change of Ukrainian identity is not related to evangelical sects; 5) There is no need to call the Polish minority (in Lviv) a «subculture»; 6) The term «correctUkraine» is inappropriate because it threatens the integrity of the Ukrainian state. The article refutes the thesis that Ukraine received itsown identity only after the tragic events of 2014.
Conclusions. Therefore, if such statements from «Ab Imperio» still shape public opinion, and Ukrainian scholars do not respondto such posts, it will lead to the understanding of the modern Ukraine on a global scale again as a subcolonial territory that cannotcope without Russia. There is need to introduce into the linguistic and mental space facts about Ukrainian traditions, national symbols,indomitable spirit and heroic heritage of the Cossack and Hetman state.
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