Published 2020-12-23
- lexical-semantic groups, the vocabulary of traditional family rites, the region between Buh and Ingul, the vocabulary of wedding action
- лексико-семантичні групи, словниковий склад традиційних родинних обрядів, ареал між Бугом та Інгу- лом, специфіка народної культурної термінології, лексика весільного дійства
Purpose. The aim of the article is a presentation of the repertoire and a description of the nomination of family rites of Ukrainiandialects of the region between Buh and Ingul in structural-semantic aspect.
Methods: theoretical analysis of the literature; critical analysis of research; descriptive and linguistic-geographical; elementsof comparative-historical, comparative-typological methods and methods of contextual analysis.
Results. For the first time the verbal means of family rites of Ukrainian dialects as a fragment of the linguistic picture of the worldof the speakers of these dialects were studied; published a significant amount of dialectal and ethnographic material, which reflectsthe state of preservation of traditional family rites and their nomination in the second half of the twentieth century; the spatial behaviorof language elements related to traditional culture is studied.Carried out on the border of related related sciences (linguistics, ethnography and folklore) research helps to address theoreticalissues related to the specifics of folk cultural terminology, the interaction of the rite and its linguistic implementation in semiotic terms.The practical significance of the study is that the collected and systematized linguistic and ethnographic material can be used in dialectlexicography, etymology, ethnography, didactics.
Conclusions. The vocabulary of traditional family rites is one of the most archaic layers of the dialect dictionary. It is not isolatedfrom the vocabulary of other dialects. The Dictionary of Ukrainian dialects of the region between Buh and Ingul contains more than 1000 names to denote the realities associated with the family rites of the region between Buh and Ingul. In the article the vocabularyof the wedding ceremony is structured by thematic and lexical-semantic groups.This opinion is confirmed by the presence of a large number of names that have a permanent character. Constantly verbalizedin various dialects were the concepts that make up the core of the rite: the names of the stages of the rites, participants, ceremonialclothing, items used for ritual purposes.
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