No. 84 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Language and mass media


Olena Anatoliivna Ilchenko
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
Dmytro Viktorovych Bondar
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Published 2020-12-23


  • manipulation, media manipulation, manipulation technology, content
  • маніпуляція, медіаманіпуляція, технологія маніпулювання, контент


Purpose. The article is devoted to the identification of manipulative headlines in the media space of Ukrainian-language onlinepublications in 2020 and the analysis of manipulative technologies applied to them. The purpose of the article is to identify manipulativetechnologies applied to headlines in the modern Ukrainian-language media space.

Methods. To achieve this goal, the paper uses appropriate research methods: the method of continuous sampling for the selectionof manipulative media headlines that occur in online publications; method of content analysis to study the implicative contentof manipulative titles of publications of Ukrainian online publications in 2020.

Results. The title in the online edition is a communicative unit that performs a number of functions: nominative-informational,advertising-expressive, graphic-distinctive.Manipulative technologies used by journalists and editors for verbal design of headlines of materials published in onlinepublications are analyzed. Among them – the use of stereotypes, labeling, repetition of information, anonymous authority, statementof fact, distraction, the principle of contrast, psychological shock.

Conclusions. As a result of the content analysis, which was to identify the implicative content of manipulative titles of Ukrainianonline publications in 2020, the authors of this investigation found that journalists and editors productively use manipulative technologiesthat increase clickability and, consequently, bring profit to owners media. But there is a trend: the more actively mass media usethese technologies, i.e. the clickability increases, the lower the quality of information content in the media space. Poor performanceof the main function of mass media in society – information – causes a violation of the process of socio-political communication.The analyzed techniques create manipulative content, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of media consumers (the mainthing is the advertising-expressive function of headlines), which play an important role in the media space, because they disseminateinformation on social networks or orally.


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