Published 2020-12-23
- exclamation, unarticulated sentences, interjectivation, semantics of exclamations, speech formulas of etiquette, sound imitation
- вигук, нечленовані речення, інтер’єктивація, семантика вигуків, мовленнєві формули етикету, звуконас- лідування
Purpose. Comprehensively analyze exclamatory inarticulate sentences in connection with their semantic, grammatical, communicative-pragmatic characteristics and modal specialization, describe the patterns of implementation of inarticulate sentences of this type in the system of syntactically inarticulate constructions.
Methods. The article is based on the following methods: analysis and comparison, which consist in the analytical elaboration of the theoretical and methodological basis and interpretation of different research paradigms in the study of exclamations and exclamatory inarticulate sentences; descriptive, which is based on elucidating the leading features of exclamatory inarticulate sentences; functionalpragmatic method, which provides for the characterization of exclamatory unarticulated sentences from the standpoint of identifying their communicative role in the formation and expression of thought.
Results. The article draws attention to the relevance of studying exclamations as one of the main morphological markers of inarticulate sentences. A number of main scientific concepts have been formulated in the framework of determining the grammatical nature of exclamations and identifying the leading features of exclamatory HP. The diversity of scientific vision in relation to the essential characteristics of exclamations is noticed, as exclamations as morphological units of language are actively integrated into the sphere of syntax and acquire syntactic categorical features. A number of different classifications of exclamatory inarticulate sentences are characterized, which are based on different criteria for their description. The formality of the attribution of speech etiquette formulas and sound imitations to the composition of exclamatory inarticulate sentences is pointed out and the causes and consequences of interjectivation are analyzed from the etymological point of view.
Conclusions. The results of the study show that exclamations often become the grammatical center of inarticulate sentences, forming the following semantic groups: emotional, appellation, motivational, etiquette and sound imitation (separate group). It should be noted that in order to understand the semantic nature of exclamatory inarticulate sentences, it is appropriate to correlate them with judgment, which becomes one of the leading theses of their reasoned qualification as emotional equivalents of the sentence.
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