No. 84 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
General linguistics


Tetiana Mykolaivna Vysotska
National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic
Svitlana Vitaliivna Korotkova
National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic

Published 2020-12-23


  • nomination, mining artifact, general technical term, denotative term, denotative-significant term
  • найменування, гірничотехнічний артефакт, загальнотехнічний термін, денотативний термін, денотатив- но-сигнифікативний термін


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the role played by general technical terms in the nomination of technical artifacts in the sphere of mining industry. The general technical vocabulary includes words that signal the scientific and technical nature of the text as well as its production and technical nature. The object of the analysis is the Russian nominative system, which is contained in the texts of the production and technical profile, which provide a description of mining equipment, as well as provide specific and clear information about certain mining devices. The subject of the study is Russian general technical terms denoting mining artifacts. The purpose of the study has defined the range of the tasks: 1) to form the body of the researched terminological units; 2) to determine the types of general technical terms denoting mining artifacts; 3) to illustrate the importance of general technical terminology for the formation of the subsystem of the mining industry artifacts names. Methods. The body of the research has been formed using the method of continuous sampling from the encyclopedic reference book on Mining, polytechnic dictionaries of the Russian language, textbooks and manuals on Mining, mining machines, mining complexes for open and underground mining, etc. Besides, analytical and formal-structural methods have been used. As a result of the research the types of general technical terms for the designation of mining artifacts were determined and the significance of general technical terminology for the formation of the subsystem of the artifacts names in the mining industry was illustrated. Denotative general technical terms (like винт, конвейер, транспортер, манипулятор, экскаватор, самосвал, etc.) are singled out, as well as a significant group of terms whose semantics makes them occupy an intermediate position between denotative and significant terms and therefore can be defined as denotative-significant ones (устройство, аппарат, прибор). It is determined that the general technical terms of both types are actively used in the formation of compound terms denoting mining artifacts, for example: центробежный воздушный сепаратор с вращающимися тарелками, стяжной болт, натяжной винт, башенный экскаватор, шнековый загрузочный аппарат, прибор фильтрующего действия, загрузочное устройство ленточного конвейера. The conclusions show that general technical terminology in the subsystem under investigation is represented by the terms of both denotative and denotative-significant type. In addition, it is concluded that general technical terms of both types are actively used in the building of compound term-names of mining artifacts


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