No. 84 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and other languages


Anatolii Nykolaiovych Prykhodko
“Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
Nataliia Vadymivna Semonova
“Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University

Published 2020-12-23


  • conceptualization, concept, linguoaxiology, axiological characteristic, worldview, literary text
  • концептуалізація, концепт, лінгвоаксіологія, аксіологічна характеристика, картина світу, художній текст


Purpose. LT is a complex and multifaceted object of philological analysis, which allows for a plurality of approaches to itsinterpretation. New impulses in the philological study of literary text (LT) are associated with the development of narrative and cognitivetrends in modern humanities. These trends allow studying the individual demiurge’s worldview reflected in LT through the prismof artistic and aesthetic concepts. At the current stage of linguistics development, the issues of interaction between language and thinking, language and culture,language and ethnicity are especially relevant. As thinking plays a leading role in the process of forming a linguistic worldview,an important role in linguistic research in recent decades is played by the cognitive direction, through which the functioning of languageis seen as a kind of cognitive activity, and the concept is the basic unit integrating language and culture.Key concepts of culture have an important presence in the collective language consciousness, so their study becomes an extremelyimportant issue. Characterization of the Robert Burns’s basic individual-authorial concepts from the linguo-axiological standpointbecame the purpose of the study.To achieve the purpose, one must solve problems such as framing the term “concept” with further defining the term “conceptualsystem”, description of the R. Burns’s idiodiscourse conceptual system and its integral structural elements, as well as the analysisof the values that form the basis of the individual-authorial worldview.

Methods used during the study include contextual and conceptual analysis, the continuous sampling and descriptive methods.

Results. The mental organization of the R. Burns’s works, which concentrates the totality of all concepts, consists of the followingconcepts: LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, FREEDOM, HONOR, POVERTY, JOY, HYPOCRISY, LABOR, NOBLES, which are endoweddifferent axiological characteristics. The values that R. Burns uses in his works are condemnation of the nobles cruelty, contempt formaterial wealth and accumulation of savings, but compassion for the poor, respect for friendship, fidelity to brotherhood and sincerelove, as well as the assertion of equality and freedom, honor and sense of human dignity.

Conclusions. The conceptual system of R. Burns’s idiodiscourse consists of concepts that are endowed with positive and negativeaxiological characteristics: the concepts of LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, FREEDOM, HONOR, JOY have a positive value; conceptsNOBLES, HYPOCRISY have negative-value; concepts POVERTY, LABOR are ambivalent-value.


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