Published 2020-12-23
- ablaut, diachrony, dialect, correlation, morpheme, phoneme
- аблаут, діахронія, діалект, кореляція, морфема, фонема
The article is devoted to the genesis of diphthongs and their functioning within the word of the Middle High German (MHG) period of German language development.
The aim of the given article is to study the origin, development and functioning of diphthongs on the material of MHG work “Imperial Chronicle” (“Der Kaiserchronik”).
Methods. The main method of research is comparative-historical, which enabled tracing the dynamics of the formation and functioning of German diphthongs. The use of the probabilistic-statistical method contributed to obtaining data on the frequency of diphthongs in the experiment. The descriptive method was used to systematize and classify diphthongs, to describe their phonetic and lexical-grammatical features at this stage of German language development.
Results. The results of the study allowed to establish the main functions of diphthongs and showed a direct correlation between the time of origin of diphthongs and the frequency of their implementation in the text. From the grammatical perspective MHG diphthongs were grouped on the principle of alternation in root morphemes, while performing the grammatical function of these word forms, which enabled distinguishing a group of “ablaut diphthongs”; from the lexical perspective MHG diphthongs were grouped into “meaningful homonymous diphthongs”. It was also found that the largest number of MHG diphthongs fall in the middle of the word: anlaut – 35 lexical units (0.8%), inlay – 390 lexical units (0.87%), auslaut – 25 lexical units (0.5%), and MHG auslaut indicators decrease, because during changes in the grammatical structure of words its inventory root morpheme becomes more significant, where the main phonetic and grammatical processes take place. Significant reduction in the implementation of diphthongs at the end of MHG words is the result of constant articulatory attenuation of sounds, which leads to the reduction of vowels, and in some cases to their complete disappearance or contraction.
Conclusions. Diphthongs were living and specific linguistic phenomena in prehistoric times. MHG diphthongs were carriers of meaning, while performing phonetic and grammatical functions. The study indicates the presence of a correlation between the time of origin of diphthongs and their implementation in language (speech).
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