Published 2020-12-23
- semantic relations, systematic language, paradigmatic relations, term, lexical-semantic relations
- семантичні відношення, системність мови, парадигматичні відношення, термін, лексико-семантичні від- ношення
Purpose. The article reveals the features of synonymy, paronymy and antonymy in the English terminology of cosmetologyand aesthetic medicine, considers their functioning, and describes the dynamics of the prominent characteristics of these semanticprocesses.
Methodology. The research material consisted of 1000 English terms of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine selected fromthe relevant English professional texts (scientific articles and didactic materials). The research is methodologically based on the systemicstructuralapproach, which enables synchronous analysis of language phenomena based on the connections and relationships betweenlinguistic elements. The analysis of paradigmatic relations of the terminology was based on the principles of semantic field and thematicorganization of terms. Descriptive and comparative methods were also applied.
Results. A review of the literature confirmed the existence of multi-vector views on synonymy in terminology. The sourcesof synonyms in the terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine are disclosed. The semantic and functional criteria of synonymyin the terminology are described, and the synonymous series available in it are revealed.The manifestation of antonymous relations as a regular principle of naming concepts with opposite meaning is clarified,and the differences between word-forming and lexical antonymy in the terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine areshown. The use of paronyms is analyzed, and it is emphasized that a slight difference in spelling and pronunciation leads to incorrectreplacement of one word with another and loss of information.
Conclusions. The analysis of lexical and semantic features of terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine has shown thatsynonymy and antonymy are common phenomena manifested on the lexical-semantic, derivational and stylistic levels. Each of these types of paradigmatic relations contributes to the development and enrichment of terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.As for paronymy, it is a linguistic universal that cannot be avoided despite the fact that it contradicts the principles of professionalcommunication. This vision of the role of synonymy, antonymy and paronymy is generally consistent with the observationsand conclusions of researchers who conducted similar studies in related terminological systems.
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