Published 2020-12-23
- landscape characteristics, seasonal poetry, cycle, autobiographical motives, lyrics
- пейзажні характеристики, сезонна поезія, цикл, автобіографічні мотиви, лірика
Purpose. To find out the peculiarities of the embodiment of the plot “seasons” in the poetry of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21th century based on the texts by G. Sapgir, Timur Kibirov, D. Bykov.
Methods: comparative-typological, historical-literary, structural and motivational analysis of the text.
Results. The article argues that the transformation of this plot occurs by reducing the landscape and climatic characteristics of the seasons in comparison with the poetic classics of the 19th century and the lyrics of the Silver Age. Instead, there is a significant expansion of the motive sphere of seasonal lyrics. For Timur Kibirov, the plot of the change of seasons in the cycle “Epitaphs for the Grandmother’s Court” serves, first of all, to create an insightful lyrical and psychologically reliable picture of the childhood of the lyrical hero. In the aesthetic outlining of the cyclical movement of the seasons, D. Bykov fixes his attention on the transitional states of nature, so far as they correlate with the category of pause, interval as significant thing in his poetic philosophy as the only acceptable situation for creativity and full-fledged life (the cycle “Beginning of Winter”). In the cycle of poems “Seasons” the connections with classical literary traditions and polemics with them are traced. In the works by G. Sapgir seasonal texts are presented not in the form of traditional cycles, but are incorporated into poetry collections. Most of them perform an experimental manner, variety of style techniques, partially focused on the traditions of avant-garde poetics. Sapgir’s seasonal lyrics present short fragments, scenes or sketches that are organically incorporated into his metaphysical picture of the world.
Conclusions. The traditional plot “seasons” is relevant to the poetry of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21th century. Against the background of the image of the cyclical movement of nature, contemporary artists unfold a wide range of issues, apply various intertextual strategies, reproduce philosophical, aesthetic concepts and introduce autobiographical elements. The plot of the change of seasons appears in various genre models, style modifications and experiments.
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