Published 2020-12-23
- individual style, sonnet, colours, euphony, image, symbol, myth, folklore
- ідіостиль, сонет, колористика, евфонія, образ, символ, міф, фольклор
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to discover the specificity of Bohdan Kravtsiv’s artistic thinking, to present moderninterpretation of author’s lyric poetry, to analyze the folklore-mythological image-symbols, to explain their meaning and etymologyconsidering national outlook and individual poetic thinking; to highlight the genre-style peculiarity of Bohdan Kravtsiv’s lyrics.
Methods. The integrated approach of the article includes analysis, synthesis and generalization, hermeneutic and comparativemethods and also the method of mythological analysis. The complex methodology allowed us to compare and summarize differentapproaches to understanding poetic text.
Results. The article attempts to characterize Bohdan Kravtsiv’s individual style, analyze the genres and the stylistic manner of hislyric poetry. The folkloristic and mythological background of Kravtsiv’s poems and the variety of colours are highlighted. Marinepoetry, colorful images, rich in associations, are analyzed. The image-symbol of the road is prevalent in the early poems of BohdanKravtsiv. The stylistics of the poetic book “The Road” is represented by the romantic of vitalism. Among the dominant means, specialattention is paid to the folklore basis and associative thinking of the artist. Bohdan Kravtsiv’s book “Glossary: Sonnets” presents threecycles: historical, family, mythological. The author chose the sonnet as a perfect form of poetry, skillfully adapted it to the Ukrainianbasis. It is worth noting that Bohdan Kravtsiv’s poems are thoroughly intertextual. The artist valued highly the neoclassicists, butadapted the canonized stanzas to his own individual style: he combined the sonnet form with elements of folk style.
Conclusions. The research presents the first attempt of the analysis of the artistic instruments, individual style, genre-style matrix,that characterize the poetic creation of Bohdan Kravtsiv, which is satiated with filk motives and represents mythological world outlookand Ukrainian national originality. Thus, the creation of the poet-emigrant is multifaceted, because it absorbed European and Ukrainiancultural achievements. The interpretation of the author’s individual style gives the panoramic vision of his creation in the commonliterary context. It should be noted that a unique phenomenon of Bohdan Kravtsiv’s individual style is the using of oxymoron asthe dominant artistic means, semimetaphors representing the artist’s emotional feelings during the existential search for energyand creative forces. The results of the scientific research could be used for further scientific comprehension of Bohdan Kravtsiv’screation in the context of émigré literature. These materials could be used for the report of scientific conference and for writing articles,diploma, master’s and Phd works.
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