Published 2020-12-23
- narrative, narrator, hero, speaker, speech, polyphony, metaphor, comparison, folklore, phraseology
- оповідь, оповідач, герой, мовець, мовлення, поліфонія, метафора, порівняння, фольклор, фразеологізм
Purpose. The aim of the article is to analyze the novel “Leaves of the Earth” by V. Drozd and to identify the peculiarities of the artistic realization of the national linguistic picture of the world in it, taking into account the peculiar narrative structure of the work.
Methods. The study was conducted using descriptive, comparative, typological methods; component, contextual and communicativediscursive analysis, using elements of psychoanalytic and semiotic methodologies.
Results. In the course of the research it was revealed that the national-linguistic picture of the world in V. Drozd’s novel “Leaves of the Earth” is realized as the worldview of each of the heroes in particular and the ethnos as a whole. It appears as a result of perception and comprehension of the world around and the person in it, reflected in language. Due to the peculiar structure of the story with the simultaneous inclusion of many equal, non-subordinate points of view, which determines the phenomenon of polyphony, dialogue of different worldviews, national linguistic picture of the world in the work is marked by versatility. Its main representatives are verbs colored by subjective expression, verb metaphors dominated by the concepts of “heart”, “soul”, which are inherent in the Ukrainian language picture of the world; comparisons (most often of people with animals, plants, natural phenomena) that convey the national color, reflect the Ukrainian character; Polissya dialect, proverbs and sayings, phraseology as means of storing and translating knowledge, ideas, images of the Ukrainian people, stereotypes of its ethnic consciousness, the transfer of value orientation. There is a tendency in the work to use specific means of folk poetics. The most used among them are synonymous pairs, tautology, words with diminutive suffixes, constant epithets and direct folklore formulas. Often the author, following the example of folk poetry, creates his original pairs, combining words of different semantic and emotional shades in them, focused on reality.
Conclusions. Thus, the national linguistic picture of the world in the novel “Leaves of the Earth” by V. Drozd is realized through the prism of the worldviews of many speakers and is characterized by diversity.
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