No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Language and mass media


Natalia Mykolaivna Piven
Priazovsk State Technical University

Published 2020-11-05


  • professional communication, business Ukrainian, language skills, specialists’ improving qualification, language mistakes, communication difficulties
  • професійне спілкування, ділова українська мова, мовні вміння й навички, підвищення кваліфікації фахів- ців, мовленнєві помилки, комунікативні труднощі


The purpose. The objective of the article is to study the problems concerning state language functioning within current business environment. It is known that for a long period of time representatives of private businesses have hardly ever used it. It caused the necessity to define the basic stages of Ukrainian language acquisition as a state one by professionals in business sphere.

Methods. The set of scientific methods are applied in the article: theoretical (analysis of standards and status of state language functioning in different economical spheres); retrospective analysis of own pedagogical experience in educational process organization and training sessions; empirical (pedagogical observations, testing and special sessions to detect the level of expertise among business sphere representatives; statistical methods (qualitative and quantitative analysis of empirical and experimental data received).

Results. It is found that the issue of state language functioning in business sphere is still poorly investigated. Practical activity by the employees of a private enterprise is served as a ground for this study. General characteristic of trainees, their level of state language acquisition before and after training is analysed, and the evaluation scale of language skills level is developed. It is noted that in Russian-speaking environment representatives of large-scale and small-sized businesses face a lot of challenges while communicating in Ukrainian, caused by low level of language skills, lack of necessary basic vocabulary, existence of surzhik (mixed Russian-Ukrainian dialect) and russicismes (use of Russian words instead of Ukrainian ones).

Conclusions. The educational process resulted in defining the main stages of Ukrainian acquisition as a state language. It is emphasized that it is motivational and basic stages that play the important role in preparation of trainees which led to developing methodical recommendations concerning state language acquisition. It is proved that in spite of a low level of language improved motivation helps business people achieve sufficient level of language knowledge and skills for further professional activity and communicating in state language


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