No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Comparative historical, typological linguistics


Iryna Mykolaivna Osovska
Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Yevheniia Volodymyrivna Siaileva
Yuriy Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi

Published 2020-11-04


  • medical discourse, concept, domain, autochthonous, conceptual system, interconceptual relations of coordination, subordination, following, causation
  • медичний дискурс, концепт, домен, автохтон, міжконцептуальні відношення координації, субординації, слідування, каузації


Purpose. The purpose of this article is to establish features of the conceptual system of modern German language medical discourse, namely to identify the key units of its mental resource as conceptual space, and to determine relationships between them. The research is performed within the modern cognitive-discursive paradigm of linguistic research, aimed, among other things, at establishing mental and speech features of discursive practices of ethnocultural communities, features of complementarity of their mental and verbal resources, which allows to describe their mental conditionality.

Methods. The method of cognitive mapping was used in the research, by which interpretation of the semantic plan of text as a component of discourse was carried out. It consisted of a step-by-step application of a conceptual method - to establish a set of autochtonous concepts and analysis of adjacent pairs, which established pairs of concepts used in an immediate context, quantitative analysis which justified the regularity of established pairs for this type of discourse, and logical-semantic analysis, on the basis of which logical interpretations were formulated – the main presuppositions that are in the basis of modern German language medical discourse.

Results. Based on 500 discursive acts were identified 2367 concepts, united by a substantive principle in 14 domains, which 65 autochthonous concepts were objectively established, creating the framework of the conceptual system of modern Germanlanguage medical discourse, as well as regular inter-autochthonous correlations of implication, following, causation and coordination, demonstrating certain semantic dependencies in the minds of its participants. As result, it allowed to present the established concepts as the core of the German idea of the medical field, to compare its cognitive representation and linguistic objectification.

Conclusions. Through the explication of the basic structure of the conceptual system of the studied discursive practice, key ethnospecific presuppositions of the main actants of modern German-language medical discourse are formulated, which testify that the cooperative partnership atmosphere between in the process of carrying out specific medical activities, as well as expressing emotional support for each other.


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