No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Kseniia Oleksandrivna Chumakova
Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitation Academy

Published 2020-11-04


  • lexical system, terminology, structural peculiarities, affixation, abbreviation
  • лексична система, термінологія, структурні особливості, афіксація, абревіація


The article deals with the methods of term formation in the fields of physical therapy and ergotherapy which are currently gaining popularity in Ukraine. The research covers the structural and semantic features of the mentioned terminological units.

The objective of the research is to study the structural features of these terms in the English language. The mentioned objective, in turn, requires the fulfillment of the following tasks:

– to analyze the morphological characteristics which are typical for the researched terminological units;

– to identify the main ways of their formation;

– to identify the structural models used for the formation of the researched multicomponent terms.

The methods applied in this research included both linguistic ones, such as: the continuous sampling method, the method of morphemic analysis and word-building analysis, structural and etymological analysis, and general scientific ones, namely: quantification method, systematization and classification, generalization.

The results of the research are defined as: a) the creation of physio- and ergotherapeutic terms glossary; b) the overview of the term formation methods; c) the identification of the most common patterns used to form multicomponent terminological units in the studied fields.

Conclusions. Over the past decades, terminological units have become the subject of numerous linguistic studies worldwide. Despite the fact that terminological units belong to the lexical system of the language and, therefore, the methods of their formation are the same as those used for common lexemes formation, the ratio of certain nomination processes can differ. The research demonstrated that the ratio of monolexeme terminological units and polylexeme physio- and ergotherapeutic terms is 20% to 75% respectively. The majority of monolexeme terms are formed by means of affixation. The majority of multicomponent terminological units consist of two elements, and the most frequent pattern is N + N. Abbreviated terms (5% of the total number of the researched terminological units) are used parallelly with their full forms.


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