No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Oksana Volodymyrivna Brovkina
Sumy State University
Anna Valeriivna Maha
Sumy State University

Published 2020-11-04


  • mediadiscourse, non-absolute impactors, intention, speech action, persuasive effect, suggestive effect
  • медіадискурс, неабсолютні імпактори, інтенція, мовна дія, персуазивний ефект, сугестивний ефект


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the degree of influence of adjectives in the adjective structures of attributive and predicative types of modern English, which are presented in the text of English-language political commentary.

Methods. The research is based on general scientific methods of synthesis, analysis, observation, selection, and systematization of material. Hermeneutic and psychoanalytic approaches were partially applied.

Results. Newspaper political commentary creates specific images, such as images of key political figures, and provokes and consolidates a positive or negative attitude towards them. In this process, a unique role belongs to non-absolute impactors (both single and multiple). These perform the function of designating or describing the key image, its professional competence, political course, persons associated with it, its actions, deeds and statements. The author’s choice of lexical units that form the expression of political commentary relies on the criterion of intentionality, which in its turn is based on rational (information is perceived by the recipient consciously) or irrational impact (information is perceived by the recipient automatically, unconsciously). Adjectives in English have different degrees of impact and form different potential nonabsolute impactors.

Conclusions. English adjectives and nouns, which are studied in the work, have different strength of impact, are considered as initial bits of impact and form different in potential for impact non-absolute impactors. Images created with the help of non-absolute impactors are mostly perceived on an irrational level. The formation of the reader’s attitude to the participants in the political process, events in the world of politics also takes place on an irrational level. Newspaper political commentary mainly aims at creating specific images of key political figures (along with a number of other functions) by selecting and organizing lexical items that best meet this goal according to the political platform of a particular media publication.


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