No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Halyna Romanivna Sokol
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Published 2020-11-04


  • автобіографія, документальність, імпресіонізм, характер, чуттєвість, творча уява
  • autobiography, documentation, impressionism, nature, sensitivity, vivid imagination


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the facts testifying the main aspects of the future writer Halyna Zhurba’s creative personality genesis, establishment and development on the basis of her autobiographical novel “Distant Land”.

Methods. The biographical method, comparative-historical method, narrative method general scientific methods of synthesis, analysis, observation, selection and systematization of material, and deep analysis are used in the work.

Results. Attention is paid to the writer’s psychological portrait in her early childhood. Special attention is paid to such personality qualities as persistence, stubbornness, leadership, inclination for independent actions and ability to watch and notice things children aren’t usually interested in. A separate aspect is the girl’s family and her close surrounding, family history, events and hardships that the older generation faced and their impact on the future writer. The article describes and analyzes the future writer’s home style and the world of children who feel organic in the picturesque Ukrainian nature and communicate freely with peasants. The development of such children’s qualities as love for freedom proves that the family respected the children’s opinion and took into account their desires. The article reveals the parents’ special attitude to children’s education, their comprehensive development and theatre fascination.

Conclusions. Different writer’s approaches to recreate the surrounding world through a prism of little child’s perception at the moments of highest emotional splashes and unique impressions are analyzed. Halyna Zhurba combines a detailed story with the nuances of the child’s soul delicate impressions. Bright images, arising to a reader, are full of the child’s inner vision mixed with the omniscient narrator’s particularly trustful tone. Special attention is drawn to the subtle perception of the colour palette and sound melody that testifies the child’s creative gift and explains the origins of the author’s future attraction to impressionism. It is emphasized that the writer perfectly manages to move from her own memories and impressions to the words that can retain and convey them to a reader, preserve the flavour of the time and sense of authenticity. The sincerity of impression and associative thinking as well as the autobiographical and documentary aspects can be traced in the description of events.


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