No. 83 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Svitlana Stepanivna Zhurba
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Published 2020-11-25


  • prose, short story, fairy tale, legend, synthesis, modification, interpenetration of genres, contamination of genres
  • проза, новела, казка, легенда, синтез, модифікація, взаємопроникнення жанрів, контамінація жанрів


Purpose. The short prose of the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century impresses with the experimentality of writing, genre eclecticism, modification of the genre, intertextuality. The purpose of the article is to trace the artistic and figurative organization of texts, the author’s combination of various genre elements in the structure of the short story on the example of the works “The Tale of the Emerald”, “On a Clear Day”, “Assyrian Legend” by Halyna Zhurba. The issue of diffusion of genres was hardly covered in publications about the writer, so it needs proper understanding and analysis.

Methods. The methodological principles of the research are the complex application of historical-literary, hermeneutic methods and receptive aesthetics, which revealed the problem of genre diffusion in literature, to indicate the importance of Halyna Zhurba in modifying the genre of short stories through analysis of her works. The method of intertextual analysis was used in the study of intertextual connections between the writer’s prose and folklore, mythology. The method of analysis, synthesis, selection and systematization of material is used.

Results. The study demonstrates the destruction of the canons of the genre of short stories in the literature of the early twentieth century, points to the dynamism and artistic transformations of modern works, the synthesis of various genre forms. In Halyna Zhurba’s early prose we trace the author’s experimental searches in the formcontent organization of the short story. The results of the research showed that the process of genre synthesis allowed the author to express the ideological and thematic content of the works, to expand the horizon of the reader’s perception. Philosophical comprehension of human existence and the world, transformation of mythological images “Tales of the Emerald”, “On a Clear Day”, “Assyrian Legend” by Halyna Zhurba testify to the individual stylistic feature of writing and creative research in the genre of short stories. Short stories and fairy tales, short stories and legends, transformation of fantastic images, motives into a novelistic structure, intertextuality.

Conclusions. Thus, the interpenetration of one text into another in the short prose of Halyna Zhurba contributes to the expression of plot-compositional possibilities of texts, enrichment of formcontent elements, intertextual interaction. The author’s interpretation of well-known mythological images, fantastic inclusions, updating the semantics of texts, compositional organization of texts defined a new genre model of works “The Tale of the Emerald”, “On a Clear Day” as a modern tale, “Assyrian Legend” – a modern legend. Through the modern ways of thinking of the writer is the formation of individual artistic style in relation to the literary achievements of prose of the day.


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