No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Uliana Tarasivna Tatsakovych
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Published 2020-09-04


  • mental imagery, conceptualization, construal, selection, perspective, scanning, conceptual metaphor
  • ментальна образність, концептуалізація, конструал, селекція, перспектива, сканування, концептуальна метафора


Purpose. The article is aimed at outlining and illustrating the basic dimensions of imagery that can serve as additional tools for translation analysis as well as effective tools in the translator’s arsenal. The article describes the main construal operations on the basis of the works of R. Langacker, L. Talmy, E. Tabakowska and others and demonstrates their practical application as part of the translation analysis of M. Ondaatje’s novel “The English Patient” and its Ukrainian translation.

Methods. The general scientific methods of description and comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc. as well as such specialized scientific methods as the method of introspection, the method of cognitive modelling, the method of linguistic observation and description, the method of contextual and interpretative analysis, comparative translation analysis were applied in the presented study.

Results. Since cognitive linguists consider conceptualization in a spatial dimension, the main gestalts that structure cognitive space are: profile/base, trajectory/landmark, scanning, perspective, vantage point, subjective/objective construal, force dynamics, etc. as well as such image schemas as the “container” schema, part – whole, source – path – goal, center – periphery, up – down, front – back, etc., which form the basis for conceptual metaphors (orientational, ontological, structural).

Conclusions. Analysis of the construal operations universalises the study of translation by placing emphasis on the conceptual component common to all languages. With a common conceptual framework, it is possible to track the sources of common errors as well as hidden errors that are usually neglected as minor. This necessitates a more thorough study of the aspect of mental imagery and its integration into translation studies.


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