No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Roksolana Vladyslavivna Povorozniuk
Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Published 2020-09-04


  • nation’s portrait, ethnocultural components, literary translation, source text, target text
  • портрет нації, етнокультурні компоненти, художній переклад, джерельний текст, цільовий текст


The article explores the problem of verbal representation of ethnocultural nation’s portrait featuring both as a conceptual background and a vibrant individual design of subject-compositional structure of the original text.

The aim of the study is to compare the nation’s ethnocultural portraits, realized via double idiocultural adaptation in the Ukrainian translation of S. Larsson’s novel “Flickan Som Lekte Med Elden”, along with rendering the Swedish ethnospecific concepts of the original text by means of the English and Ukrainian languages.

Methods. By means of the contrastive translation analysis and semantic study of national portrait-building ethnocultural components present in the original novel by S. Larsson “Flickan Som Lekte Med Elden” and in its Ukrainian (by V. Verkhoven) and English (by Reg Keeland) translations we attempted to explore the interdependence of national language and culture and ways of linguistic world picture creating for a specific ethnos. Within the framework of our study, we’ve focused on the specific features of double adaptation in the crosscultural translation, as the Ukrainian translator had on his disposal two working languages, Ukrainian and English, none of them being the language of the original text.

Results. We have concluded that most translation challenges are associated with the absence of the originally described situation in the experience of target linguistic community, namely of the objects and phenomena specific for the ethnos or country.

Conclusions. In translation, often due to the structural-systemic language or recipient-based conceptual-topical scope discrepancies, there is a differentiation of those portraits, either on the fragmentary or text-building levels. As a result, the foreign language speaker belonging to a different culture obtains a completely different stock of ethnocultural components, intended to create his image of this or that culture underlying the fictional text or directly bringing it into being. The footnotes, descriptive translation and generalization, especially effective in rendering the microlocal realia words, create the ethnocultural portrait oriented towards the Ukrainian recipient.


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