No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Comparative historical, typological linguistics


Lidia Dmytrivna Khoda
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Published 2020-09-04


  • language of advertising, social advertising, commercial advertising, advertising text, pandemic, coronavirus, slang and colloquial vocabulary, phraseologisms, advertising innovations
  • мова реклами, соціальна реклама, комерційна реклама, рекламний текст, пандемія, коронавірус, сленгові та розмовна лексика, фразеологізми, рекламні новотвори


The aim of the research is to analyze the advertising vocabulary (on the basis of the Ukrainian and Slovak texts), which is widespread because of the topic of COVID-19.

The article is focused on the media vocabulary updating with the medical terminology and the list of the most commonly used Ukrainian and Slovak lexemes associated with this disease has been also provided. The appearance of new lexemes in the speakers’ speech has been recorded, and the activation reasons of these words have been determined. The state of the chosen issues studying in the Ukrainian and Slovak linguistic communities has been analyzed. The relevance of the research is justified by the lack of works of a similar nature. The separate newspaper articles on the lexical innovations related to the topic of coronavirus disease have been provided.

Methods. In the process of research different methods have been used. They include descriptive method, the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of linguistic observation, the method of systematic observation as well as the combination of inductive and deductive methods, and the method of comparison.

The study is focused on the language of advertising, including social and commercial ones, in early 2020. The subject of social texts with the identification of children’s target audience has been also considered. The examples of world slogans-appeals, texts with slang and colloquial vocabulary, with phraseologisms and advertising neologisms have been provided within the framework of social advertising. The attention to the creative approaches in the linguistic design of social texts, in particular the usage of quotations, has been paid in the research paper. Regarding the commercial advertising, it is registered that some advertising companies also use social slogans, and other ones – successfully combine advertising of their product with the well-known social slogans. The language of commercial advertising has also been enriched with slang and colloquial components, and the foreign language elements have been also recorded. Special attention should be paid to advertising innovations that diversify and enrich the language advertising space.

Conclusions. The “coronavirus” vocabulary has expanded the language range of texts, both Ukrainian and Slovak advertising space. The research paper presents the subjects of the most frequent slogans, linguistic features of the social and commercial advertising creation (the usage of slang and colloquial vocabulary, advertising neologisms, foreign language components, and others).