№ 82 (2020): Південний архів (філологічні науки)
Романські, германські та східні мови


Ольга Валентинівна Сушкевич
Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини

Опубліковано 2020-09-04

Ключові слова

  • Brexit Day, Deal, Brexicon, integrated realia, communicative stakeholders, verbalization, wide context
  • день Брексіту, Угода, Брексікон, інтегровані реалії, комунікативні стейкхолдери, вербалізація, широкий контекст


The article deals with Brexit realia, which are associated with Brexit Day. The paper reveals the prerequisites of the departure of the Commonwealth from the EU as the background for new conceptual phenomena in the language and minds. We exemplify contextual realization of new Brexit Lexicon depending on the communicative stakeholders of the process.

The purpose of the paper lies in defining and analyzing new realia, their contextual realizations and related jargon, which sprang into existence in the first month after Brexit Day (before the outbreak of COVID-19 in the UK).

The tasks of the paper are to establish the prerequisites of Brexit realia, identify their communicative stakeholders and their impact on the contextual realization of new realia and jargon related to Brexit Day.

The main research methods included data retrieval to identify new Brexit realia in the mass media; discourse analytic method to study a wide context of new Brexit realia verbalization; contextual analysis to trace jargon variations of the realia.

The results of the research show that Brexit Lexicon was enriched with several new realia, which are the evidence of the authorities’ attempts to improve different spheres of life and clarify the relationships with Brussels. Due to the principle of language economy previously used realia and jargon enriched their denotative meanings and contextual realization. It was established that general public has little idea and understanding of Brexit realia. That is the reason why authoritative dictionaries, mass media, and official organizations summarized these lexical items in the form of small glossaries. There turned to be two opposing camps, which dramatically reflect euro optimistic or pessimistic scenarios of further relations with Europe.

Conclusions reveal that Brexit Day realia and related jargon which verbalize the change of the UK status in the EU, attempts to improve life of the Commonwealth. The contextual realization of realia largely depends on the point of view of communicative stakeholders and their interpretations addressed to the public as well as politicians.


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