No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Oksana Vasylivna Petrenko
Donetsk National Medical University

Published 2020-09-04


  • term, scientific and technical terminology, lexical-semantic approach, metaphor, terminological metaphorization
  • термін, науково-технічна термінологія, лексико-семантичний підхід, метафора, термінологічна метафоризація


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to investigate German-speaking terms of robotics, which are connected by metaphorical relations and to determine the main types and models (semantic groups) of metaphorical constructions, which are productive in the studied terminological system.

Methods. The research is based on the principles of application of general scientific (methods of dialectics: induction, deduction and functional approach) and special linguistic methods and techniques of analysis of linguistic material. The paper also uses the techniques of observation, generalization, interpretation, modeling and systematization. The material for the study were German-speaking terms of robotics (1670 language units), which were selected by a continuous sample of professional texts of robotics (journal articles, conference proceedings, textbooks, etc.).

Results. The analysis of the studied terminology made it possible to identify the features of the metaphorical origin of terms and to determine the main semantic groups of metaphors. It is noted that terminological metaphorization is a semantic way of naming a special concept based on the substantive, functional similarity of scientific and everyday objects, which are based on comparison and juxtaposition. The results of the study confirm the fact that the basis of metaphorical transfers in the scientific and technical terminology of robotics is the functional and external similarity of the studied objects.

Conclusions. It is proved that productive sources of replenishment of German terminology in robotics, as evidenced by the analysis of texts in the field of robotics, are the terms formed by metaphorization (7% of all terms). The terms of the conceptosphere-source are most often supplemented by somatisms (30% of terms-metaphors), names of parts of relief (21% of terms-metaphors), natural phenomena, names of phenomena and processes related to human social life (20% of terms-metaphors), names of geometric figures (13% of terms-metaphors), names of household items and objects from the human environment (9.4% of terms-metaphors), names of signs of household items (5% of terms-metaphors), names of family and family relations (0.8 % of terms-metaphors), botanical terms (0.8% of terms-metaphors).


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