No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Yulia Anatol Musiienko
Kyiv National Linguistic University

Published 2020-09-04


  • pause, parable, linguo-cognitive features, directive intension, coding, decoding, ethical idea
  • пауза, притча, лінгвокогнітивні особливості, директивна інтенція, кодування, декодування, етична ідея


Purpose. The cognitive features of pausation in the didactic discourse on the material of modern English parables have been studied. It has been distinguished and systematized cognitive features of pausation during a coding and decoding process of a positive and negative ethical idea that is expressed in the parable discourse.

Methods. The research is based on the use of the empirical scientific methods of the linguistic investigation, and also some specific methods such as associative supervision and auditory analysis. Aiming at revealing the main images in the parable and establishing the relation between them in the parabolic text, a semantic analysis and descriptive method have been used. A comparative method allowed the author to describe common and different features of pausation in a prosodic loading of parables with a polar ethical idea.

Results. The author of the article investigates the peculiarities of functioning of the prosodic means that create a parable directive loading within the cognitive process. The basic feature expected at the end of the phonetic experiment of the intonation model of English parable actualization should be considered exactly a pause. Different types of pauses have been studied in the article as well as linguocognitive features of their functioning while coding and decoding ethical ideas depicted in the parable discourse. It has been established that pausation evokes a certain emotional tension, creating a persuasive background for the process of decoding a parable message.

Conclusions. The research proves the fact that directive intentions of positive and negative ethical ideas described in the moral paragraphs are realized by the speaker with the help of pausation. It has been established that pausation is not only a great means of communication and rhetorical tool, but it also helps a recipient percept didactic information. Therefore, pauses are precepted as a cognitive loading of a parable message on the highest level of cognitive work.


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