No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Yuliia Borysivna Lebed
Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College

Published 2020-09-04


  • semantic unities, semantics, synsemantical Noun, connecting properties of word, Noun nominations of few words
  • семантичні єдності, семантика, сполучувальні властивості слова, синсемантичний іменник, іменникова кількаслівна номінація


Purpose. The article is devoted to connecting possibilities of Noun. The functional method helps to solve syntactical problems that regard to the structure of a sentence. Ukrainian linguistics has many studies that are devoted to Verb possibility of making sentences. The purpose of the article is to describe the possibilities of Noun to form Noun nomination of a few words.

Methods. The main methods of the study were: a descriptive method; comparison method; modeling method; method of distributive analysis.

Results. Noun has one of the central places in the system of the parts of speech. It can denote items and can be the main component of a sentence. Noun is one of the components that organize a sentence. Most semantic unities are based on synsemantical Noun, that can’t nominate object denotations. This property contributes to the forming of unities of different structure with the synsemantical Noun. Ukrainian synsemantical Nouns are formed from synsemantical Verbs, some absolutive Nouns with certain meaning and nouns with figurative sense. Synsemantical Nouns can’t be formed from Verbs that mean nature state. In Noun nomination of a few words the Noun forms strong position for depended component. This component compensates the Noun synsemantics. According to these depended components we can distinguish such models of Noun nomination of a few words: non prepositional Noun / Pronoun model, prepositional Noun / Pronoun model, infinitive model. Synsemantical Nouns manifest selectivity according to dependent words. Such Nouns can’t connect with words that incompatible with their grammar or semantics. Grammatical connection is determinate by valence of synsemantical Nouns. The words that nominate object denotations with mutual exclusion can’t form the unity.

Conclusions. There are such groups of Noun nominations of a few words: according to the structure: two-component, threecomponent; according to the open / close structure: close, open types; according to the Noun prognostication of position: one directional and two directional; according to morphological method of expression: non prepositional Noun nomination, prepositional Noun nomination, adverbial Noun nomination. At the same time two first groups are divided into such models: non prepositional Noun components in genitive case, in dative case etc.


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