No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Inna Stanislavivna Laukhina
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Alla Fedorivna Paladieva
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Published 2020-09-04


  • concept, frame-proposition, obligatory and optional components, predicative vocabulary, sources of cultural interpretation
  • концепт, фрейм-пропозиція, обов’язкові та факультативні компоненти, предикативна лексика, джерела культурної інтерпретації


The purpose of the article is to carry out linguistic analysis and comparative lexical-semantic characteristics of linguistic units that represent the concept of “anger” in the French and Ukrainian linguistic pictures of the world. Both general scientific methods and linguistic analysis were used to achieve the goal and to solve the tasks set in the work: (conceptual (by means of conceptual approach it was considred the lexical-semantic and semantic-syntactic characteristics of language units by which the emotion of “anger” is expressed); componential (the peculiarities of linguocultural interpretation of the components of the concept of “anger” through their verbal expression in French and Ukrainian were discovered); comparative (the comparison of national-cultural features of communicative implementation of the concept of “anger” in French and Ukrainian was made).

In the results of study it was found that the verbal expression of anger emotion can be represented as a frame that includes the following elements: the subject of the model, the emotional state itself and its cause. The optional components of the anger concept are the evaluation, the degree of intensity of the emotion experience, the control over the emotion, the external symptoms of the emotion, and the person’s behavior in the state of anger. It is found that the representation of the concept of “anger” in the French language is represented by 29 lexical units, in Ukrainian – 100 (synonyms, phraseological turns, paremia, metaphorical epithets). The following conclusions were drawn: the predicative vocabulary with the semantics of anger in the French and Ukrainian languages is represented by the nouns “anger”, “rage”, adjectives “angry”, “ferocious”, verbs “to be angry”, “to rage”. In French, the largest number of synonyms is represented by adjectives (7), verbs and nouns have 6 and 4 synonyms, respectively. In the Ukrainian language, most of the synonyms have verbs (21 each), fewer adjectives (11 and 14), nouns (5 and 7). The sources of cultural interpretation of Ukrainian phraseological units are words, symbols, somatic and mythological expression of emotions, image-standard, French – somatic, subject and biomorphic expression of emotions, images-standards, beliefs and legends.


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