No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Oksana Leonidivna Lapynina
Kyiv National Linguistic University

Published 2020-09-04


  • phraseological meaning, phrase productivity, extralingual factors, national-cultural component, transport
  • фразеологічне значення, фразеопродуктивність, екстралінгвальні чинники, національно-культурний компонент, транспорт


Purpose. The study analyzes the phraseological units of modern German language which denote vehicles in order to find out how national and cultural information is reflected in their semantics. The main components of the phraseological meaning of the studied units are clarified, the phrase-forming activity of the components to denote vehicles is considered, and the sources of the studied phraseological units are established.

The methods of the research are descriptive method, component analysis, etymological analysis, the method of correlation of linguistic and extralinguistic phenomena.

Results. It was found that the semantic structure of phraseological units with a component to denote vehicles consists of denotative, motivational and connotative blocks, which include emotional-evaluative, expressive, functional-stylistic and national-cultural components. National and cultural information is embedded in a denotative block or cultural connotations. The research analyzes the phraseological units of modern German language with a component to denote transport, and among them only 18 words-names of transport, which participate in the formation of the studied units in different ways were found. The results of the investigation give grounds to claim that only 2 components that denote vehicles (Schiff, Karre) have high phrase productivity. The lexemes Zug, Wagen and Bahn are marked by average phrase-forming activity or being a part of more than 5 phraseological units. 13 components to denote vehicles are not common in the studied phraseological units, which is due to the history of transport, because road, rail and aviation transport emerges only in the XIX – early XX centuries. The study found that the main reasons for the high phrase-forming activity of the components of Schiff, Karre and extralingual factors of the studied phraseological units are the development of trade as the main stimulus for shipping and related shipbuilding, which has its roots in antiquity, as well as the invention of the wheel, as one of the greatest achievements of mankind.

Conclusions. Various areas and aspects of the German-speaking ethnic group activity are reflected in phraseological units with a component to denote vehicles such as the development of navigation and related professions and occupations, the search and invention of new means of transportation, the emergence of new kinds of transport.


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