No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary process: theoretical and historical aspects


Andrii Viktorovych Bezrukov
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician Vsevolod Lazarian

Published 2020-09-04


  • emblem, Baroque, the Metaphysicals, symbol, allegory, image, world view
  • емблема, бароко, метафізики, символ, алегорія, образ, картина світу


The paper touches upon the issues of the study of linguistic and visual representation of emblems in eidology of the 17th century English metaphysical poetry as the goal of research. In the paper, the character of using the emblem in the poetic discourse of Baroque literature is determined, the ways of scientific understanding of emblems as a key element of the creative method of the English Metaphysicals is actualized, and the ways of expressing an emblematic component in the eidology of the Metaphysical school is demonstrated.

Methodology is based on the combination of research strategies of eidology studies with the methods of interpretive, linguostylistic, hermeneutic, and imagological analysis for the interpretation of the symbolic system of metaphysical verses.

Results. Eidology, denoting that part of poetics which interprets the figurative and symbolic dimension of a poem that is inextricably linked to the author’s messages and intentions, is a means of updating the cultural patterns of literature. Study of metaphysical poetry of the 17th century in this problematic field is intended to demonstrate the attitude of the poets of the Metaphysical school to the cultural and historical events of that time, manifesting itself in the sophisticated symbols, emblems, which form an artistic vision of the metaphysical poets and clearly distinguish their works among the other world famous authors. The emblem, becoming both a way and a means of artistic thinking of the Baroque epoch, the key to the allegorical representation of reality / mysterious signs of being, appears to be a distinctive feature of the Metaphysical school in England.

Conclusions. Through the use of artistic potencies of the emblem, the Metaphysicals sought to change the surrounding reality. The eidology of metaphysical poetry as a system of images, symbols, signs, which require being determined, objectifies a specific attitude to the comprehension of the sacred origins of the universe. Emblems in the poetry, manifesting its originality at the imagological level, can serve as an artistic basis for recreating the metaphysical world view.


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