No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Elena Gennadievna Khomchak
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Irina Viktorivna Volkova
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Published 2020-09-04


  • phraseme, paroemia, proverbs, somatism, value component
  • фразема, паремії, прислів’я, соматизм, ціннісний компонент


Purpose. This article’s aim was to explore peculiarities of the concept pride at the phraseological level.

Methods: theoretical analysis of research works; critical analysis of research on this issue; component analysis; descriptive method.

The author determined the rational research techniques which gave a possibility to identify a list of phrasemes and paroemia verbalising the concept of pride.

Results. Linguistic research on the concept pride is studied; Ukrainian phraseological units with the component pride are analyzed. This linguistic-cultural study of phraseology results in defining phrasemes and paroemia used in expressing the sense of pride. From our findings, this concept’s value component is most expressive in Ukrainian phraseology and paroemia, namely, in proverbs and sayings. Verbalization of emotions that accompany the sense of pride and are grounded in knowledge of human somatic-physiological reactions receives special attention. From this research, almost all phrasemes and paroemia involve pride in the meaning of “too high opinion of myself and neglect of others; insolence”. These moral and ethical features combine an exaggerated feeling of personal intrinsic value or importance, an excessively high feeling of oneself, contempt, arrogance; overconfidence in one’s strengths, abilities, and capabilities; self-confidence; selfesteem; boastful praise, and the like. It is natural that such features of character acquire more negative emotional-evaluative reactions in people and provoke more nominations at the language level. A person with a sense of pride, honorability and dignity is likely to have broadened shoulders and straight posture or avoid hiding eyes, which results in such phraseology as proudly carry one’s head, with one’s head held high. Nominative (proper phraseology) and communicative (paroemia) phraseological units that objectify the concept of pride are identified.

Conclusions. The studied phraseological units transmit societal moral and ethical behavioral norms. In paroemia, pride and selfesteem are matched, so that all verbalization of self-esteem includes pride (гордість) or arrogance (пиха). Negative evaluative semantics of phrasemes and paroemia coincides with church morality, which has interpreted pride as a catalyst of sin for centuries. From our research, only few phraseological units represent pride in the meaning of human dignity, thus having ameliorative evaluative semantics.


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