No. 82 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Halyna Petrivna Horodylovska
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Published 2020-09-04


  • translated lexicography, macrostructure of the dictionary, microstructure of the dictionary, register word (slogan), commonly used lexis, onomastic lexis, terms, part of speech, grammatical form, Hanna Nakonechna
  • перекладна лексикографія, макроструктура словника, мікроструктура словника, реєстрове слово (гасло), ономастична лексика, термінна лексика, граматична форма


The article covers the lexicographic activity of the Ukrainian scholar-emigrant Hanna Nakonechna and her accomplishments in the field of the Ukrainian dictionaries’ translation. The “German-Ukrainian pocket dictionary” with which the author was introduced to the Ukrainian history of lexicography is described.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the Ukrainian lexis and its lexicographical representation in the dictionary; to describe macro- and microstructural characteristics of the study; to define its role in the scientific context of modern Ukrainian translated lexicography.

Methods. We apply structural method to analyze macro- and microstructures of the examined dictionary; descriptive method – to characterize the orthographic and grammatical features of the Ukrainian lexis, as well as to describe the use of stress in the studied dictionary; comparative method – to reveal both Ukrainian and German linguistic interference.

Results. In the course of the research it was established that the sources of the Ukrainian part of the lexicographical work were the following dictionaries: “German and Ukrainian dictionary on military terms” by I. Ilnytskyi-Zankovych (Berlin, 1939), “German and Ukrainian Latvian dictionary” by I. Ilnytskyi-Zankovych (Berlin, 1939), “German-Ukrainian Dictionary” by V. Kmitsykevych (Chernivtsi, 1912), “German-Ukrainian Dictionary” by I. Sharovolskyi (Kyiv, 1931) and “Deutsch-Ukrainisches Wörterbuch” by N. M. (Kolomea-Kyiv, 1918). G. Goloskevich’s “Spelling Dictionary” (Kharkiv, 1930) and B. Romanenchuk’s and Ya. Rudnytskyi’s “New Ukrainian Spelling with a Dictionary” were used to indicate and organize the Ukrainian lexis; to organize the German “Der große Duden. Rechtscheibung der deutsche Sprache und der Fremdwörter; bearbeited von Dr. Otto Basler (Leipzig, 1937). It is found out that it contains about 10 thousand German slogans with their translation into Ukrainian. It is established that the macrostructure of the dictionary implements the alphabetical principle of register construction, preserves the internal alphabet of headings, provides semantic adequacy of translation equivalents. Common lexis is most fully presented, neologisms are indicated, which are included in the dictionary for the first time. The lexis spoken in Western part of Ukraine is singled out. Chrononyms, oikonyms, hydronyms, oronyms – onyms were indicated as well, which are associated with the Ukrainian cultural traditions. Terms from the variety of fields such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, military affairs, etc. are found out, which are included in the dictionary register. The logical and structural features of the construction of slogans are determined. In the microstructure, which has a nesting system, the grammatical, accentuation, spelling, word-forming characteristics of the title words are given, reference remarks, markers and explanations are noticed.

Conclusions. The research has proved that “German-Ukrainian pocket dictionary” written by Hanna Nakonechna, organized due to the principles and technical requirements of the Ukrainian translated lexicography, has not still lost its both scientific and practical meaning and could be chosen for new translation dictionaries establishment. It has been proved that Hanna Nakonechna’s German-Ukrainian Pocket Dictionary has been prepared in accordance with the principles and technical requirements of the Ukrainian lexicography’s translation and deserves high evaluation in scientific society.