No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
General linguistics


Olena Mykolaivna Sydorenko
Donetsk National Medical University

Published 2020-07-08


  • ergonym, toponym, antroponym, onymization, transonymization, appellative, lexical unit
  • ергонім, топонім, антропонім, онімізація, трансонімізація, апелятив, лексема


Purpose. The purpose of the article is the names’ analysis of objects of hotel business, recorded in the eastern regions of Ukraine over the last ten years according to lexical, semantic and structural features.

Methods. The research was carried out using such scientific methods as descriptive, areal, statistical.

Results. Numerous Ukrainian ergonyms, including 423 names of objects of hotel business, located in eastern regions of Ukraine were investigated. Most of the names are given in Ukrainian, as well as available names borrowed from other languages. Names borrowed from the English and French languages use such means of transferring of foreign words as direct inclusion with full preservation of initial graphic, transcription and transliteration. Some of Ukrainian words were transmitted by means of Latin graphics, except English names, translated in Cyrillic. The main way of the names formation is appellativian. These ergonyms were analyzed and an attempt of their classification was made. The names of the objects of the hotel business of the easten Ukraine, which were created by onymisation from appellatives, are conditionally divided into eleven subgroups, namely: patriotic names, names reflecting national speciality, indicating the type of customer activity, high quality of service, geographical features of the location, with indication of small object size, indicating large object size, attractive romantic names, phrases with the word gold, phrase with the word sea, names formed from the names of plants, birds and animals with positive connotation. They all have a positive stylistic background and perform an advertising function. Attention is also paid to the use of a variety of ergonymic terms which, in some cases, serve as names and indicate the size of the institution. Particular attention is paid to the onymian method of Ukrainian ergonyms formation. Among the onymian names there are various ergonyms, formed by the transonymization from antroponyms, toponyms, mythonyms, poetonyms.

Conclusions. A detailed analysis revealed the appellative method as the main in the names formation for hotel business objects in the eastern regions of Ukraine. Among the names, formed by transonymization the ergonyms created from toponyms and antroponyms are distinguished as the most numerous ones.


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